One Belief


I am dancer pose. A bit wobbly, strong, vulnerable, joyful. Today I sit, I learn, I buy magazines. The dogwood and blossom trees look like fresh snow sprinkled on our healing earth.

Mother Earth said stop. We are standing still. We are listening to the news, to each other, too our hearts. We are bonded on a worldwide scale. Everyone equal. Yet, we can still feel magic, mystery, hope. Our belly rumbles with laugher. Our eyes wet with tears. Babies are born. Grandparents are born.

We eat new foods. We walk in the middle of the street. We go without. We play drinking games with our college kids :)

We use very little toilet paper. We sleep in. We’re tired; we each carry a heavy weight. But we can put that weight down. Put that weight down. Ahh, that’s nice. Set it in the corner or the closet. Step over here. Lift your arms overhead and see the blue sky peeking out from the clouds.

We FaceTime. We Zoom. We listen to online lectures and take live streaming yoga classes …. hopefully mine :)

All our movement, all our stillness collected into one big bow to the medical workers, the grocery store clerks, the UPS drivers and all those restaurants delivering our food.

One big bow.

Last week we picked one belief about ourselves, and started that sentence with “I am _____”. Whether it was something you’d ever said about yourself or not, we each picked a word to inspire or support ourselves in someway. What we say to ourselves starts to become our reality. I picked the work “free” and Mikayla, my daughter and assistant that you see in the live streaming classes, picked the work “calm”.

With so much breath, we created a place of hope, inspiration and possibility. And with side crow as our apex pose, we needed it! In addition to the mantra, I invited students to picture inside their chest a bright, strong, glowing flame. And to feel that this flame of bravery or freedom or calm (interject your word) is stronger than any fear you may have. So we combined belief and playfulness and discipline into the yoga accompanied by our mantra and our flame!

We gave our hips some extra love and attention today, added some core throughout, and had time at the end to unmute and say Hi. From my heart to your heart, Lynn