Soft heart, Strong body


If we can shed the outer tension and tightness we hold, we are in a better place to hear and attend to our inner needs. Then maybe we can be a little more compassionate to ourselves during this trying time.

Through yoga, we create a strong & clear vessel for an increasingly softer and more open-hearted interior experience We live and move with “a heart attuned”. Breath by breath, layer by layer, the poses present a unique opportunity to release tension from the body and mind. And that ease can show up in how you treat yourself. Then there is space for other things.

I encouraged students to give themselves permission to be creative, to create the practice they needed. We kept coming back to feeling our entire perimeter alive and strong and clear, so we could stand strong and listen softly. Allowing every posture to be an offering to the body, to healing.

The process is to create a feeling of strength and stability in your vessel and get to the place where you can just listen to yourself breathe. Let the breath help you. Let your heart goes out to yourself and find yourself kinder and more forgiving toward yourself.

Unroll your mat (or just set up in your family room or office). We must be creative during Shelter in Place :) Warm up with cat-cow, dog-plank, half salutations. Feel your long spine. Feel your feet on the ground. Feel where the breath strikes the inner body. Connect to that thing that feeds you, that inspires you. You are on your way.

From my heart to your heart, Lynn