I've been part of a Woman's Group since 1996. We meet once a month. There are 4 of us. Since I'm a Therapist, I was worried that I'd end up being the leader each time. We decided to rotate leadership.
We've been through tons together. I had just gotten married when our Group started. Since then, 5 babies have been born among us and one of us got married and became a Step-Mom to 2 young boys.
We've moved several times, changed jobs, suffered losses, shared in the ups & downs of parentings and covered almost every topic there is to cover! We named ourselves: "The Savoring Souls". We support each other and keep each other accountable. But mostly we laugh.
We met the other night. We talked about our good and bad experiences with cooking. Toward the end, one woman mentioned how she stopped reading Sunset magazine because the homes and gardens and meals were too perfect and made her feel crappy. I said that I stopped reading Real Simple magazine because it's packed with so many articles about organization. I would read it and feel pressure to organize my life in all the ways they suggested. It was definitely NOT relaxing, which is why I read magazines.
So, a third "Savoring Soul" said, " There should be a magazine called: Lazy Slob". I laughed so hard. I'm still laughing. Now that would be a fun, relaxing magazine. You could look through the pages and say, "Well, I'm not THAT lazy"!