
Wanted to send a shout out to my friends and students that offered tips for my upcoming MRI experience. I feel well prepared and in a good space for my appointment this Wednesday morning. What time you ask? 8:45am… send your good vibes ~

Today I plan to do a “dry run” and practice some deep breathing exercises and then lay still for 20 minutes. One of my students @ Apple recommended this and I’m jazzed to go give a try in a few minutes, after blogging :-)

MRI Woes

Anxiety and gratitude ~

After nursing an injury for 4 months, my doc has prescribed an MRI. I never use to be claustrophobic, but now, just a bit. Because my love of yoga has led me to only practice yoga over the last few years, I now have a muscle imbalance that may be a tear in my ab muscles or hip flexors. The MRI can pick that up.

I’ve given this some thought, talked about it, shared it with my yoga students. Thanks you for the support and tips. My plan is to do some yoga that morning & some pranayama. The doc offered a zanax, so I may cover all my bases. I think what will help me the most is to drop into a mantra of gratitude. As I focus on my breathing, keeping my eyes closed, I plan on to remind myself how lucky I am to have support and help and good medical care close by.

This sensation of feeling trapped is a funny one. Not logical, but there’s almost a tangible essence to it. A true time to call on mantra meditation and all my blessings.

I’ll let you know my experience.

enjoy your weekend,

~ Lynn