Yoga Books I recommend

1.  "Hatha Yoga Illustrated" by Martin Kirk and Brooke Boon

2.  "An Ordinary Life Transformed" by Rev. Stephanie Rutt

3. "The Gift", poems by Hafiz     Translations by Daniel Ladinsky

4.  "Yoga for Anxiety"  by Mary & Rick Nurrie Stearms

5.  "Light on Life",  "Light on Yoga" and "The Tree of Yoga"  by B.K.S. Iyengar

6.  "Autobiography of a Yogi"  by Paramhansa Yogananda


7.  "Easter Body, Western Mind"  by Anodea Judith

8.  "Ayurveda:  A Life of Balance"  by Maya Tiwari


9.  "Yoga as Medicine"  by Timothy McCall, M.D.





10.  "Yoga Beyond Belief"  by Ganga White

11.  "Myths of the Asanas"  by Alanna Kaivalya & Arjuna van der Kooij

12.  "Yoga from the Inside Out" & "My Body is a Temple" by Christina Sell  

13.  "Nourishing the Teacher"  by Danny Arguetty

14.  "A Year of Living your Yoga" by Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph.D., P.T.

15.  "The Four Desires" by Rod Stryker

16.  "Meditation for the Love of it"  & "Awakening Shakti" by Sally Kempton

17.  "The Art of Attention" by Elena Brower & Erica Jago  

18.  "Plus One:  Finding God on the Yoga Mat"  by Cori Martinez

19.  "Tantra Illuminated" by Christopher D. Wallis

20.  "Health, Healing, and Beyond"  by T.K.V. Desikachar

Review of: Hala Khouri's Yoga dvd

Yoga For Stress Reduction.  This is such a well done yoga dvd. She has a wonderful, soothing voice and a background in somatic counseling. Her dvd is divided into sections you can practice alone or you can do a few sections or the entire practice.

I love the warm-ups section. It’s 17 minutes, and if you are short on time or energy or nursing an injury or mild cold, this is a wonderful way to connect with yourself and get an effective stretch. Her words guide you to feel “resourced” in your breath, your long spine & your connection with the solid ground beneath you.

If you hold muscle tension, feel anxious or ungrounded sometimes… this is a life-changing dvd. Once you learn to find ease in your body, you will feel transformed and stress will melt off of you!