The Play of Balance


The theme this week was the Play of Balance.  Focusing on balancing today utilizing breath, intention, focus & compassion.   Asking your body to balance with steadiness and ease. I invited students to dialogue with themselves during class with these questions...  "what does steadiness mean to me" &  "how do I feel steadiness in my being".  

Students found balance as they twisted, rotated, transitioned and flowed through a variety of poses.  We had fun; we challenged ourselves.  After several balancing sequences including standing splits, Warrior 3, tree and dancer, we closed with some exciting core poses that included variations on boat pose and scale pose.  

With deep fondness for each of you, I thank you all in supporting me with your kind words, hugs and prayers as I take a leave of absence for the month of February.   With my Mom passing, it feels right to take this time to heal.   Namaste, Lynn