Attitude Adjustment


Have you ever needed an attitude adjustment? Ever? Taking these shapes, these asanas ….. can shift your attitude.

This week we focused on the “feel good” component of the poses. Sometimes that’s finding strength, sometimes that’s remembering that yoga is here for you and wants to help you, and sometimes when yoga is hard its remembering that its good for you :)

No matter what story you bring to your mat, when you practice ….. no matter what state you arrive in, the practice helps you open to what life is offering in the moment. So this class was like a “yoga recess”. Just like as a kid, when you came back from recess you felt better!

Class started with the energizing breath-of-joy! Surya namaskar warmed us and helped us connect deeply with our breath. We just stopped and felt.  We connected with both a feeling of groundedness and lightness. Students found that presence within themselves. That’s a freedom, a recess within itself. I encouraged yogis to sigh if anything was pissing them off, like boat pose or forearm plank :)

Twists were included to get rid of toxins. Creating space in your body and your perspective. With world events weighing heavy, we may need release now more than ever. To counter that heaviness, there was lots of pouncing to the top of the mat and flying arms and legs up to greet the sky. Yogis courageously stepped into a chair flow with burst of energy right and left. This brought strength and space and a few smiles.

Other poses with feel good components included heart-opening anahata, grounding tree pose, bellow breathing, jump switches, and a deep closing head-to-knee pose on the floor, plus shared laughter and the sweet moments we chat at the end of class.

Thank you yogis. Namaste, Lynn