

We gave the feet extra love and attention this week! As I thought about the connection we all crave right now, it made me think about our feet as that first point of connection with the earth. And then all the subsequent connections into our legs, hips and core. The feet play a role in all of our poses. This class focused on energetically connecting with our feet. Which tends to produce a grounding effect on our systems, especially in the unevenness of life now.

We all want to feel more connection now. With shelter in place orders, we can’t connect with our friends and our world and our community in the ways that we love. So, we are called to first connect with ourselves. (And Zoom whenever we can :) ) We let our feet be the portal to that connection and support.

We start from our roots, the muladhara chakra, represented by the color red. Focusing on our roots is said to increase our confidence and decrease our anxiety and fear. I gave the analogy of the four corners of our feet are like the four wheels on a car. When you drive, you want all four wheels/tires on the ground! Same with our yoga poses. As we root the big toe mound, little toe mound, inner & outer heel, we create a platform of energy and stability. Students were encouraged not to lay the feet on the floor, but to interact with the floor by plugging the feet down evenly.

Imagery emerged as we deepened into a chair flow, deep work of the feet in standing poses, and how activating our arches can engage our adductors and open tightness in our hips. Yogis imagined their feet like roots, connecting them to the earth and giving them power. That power allowed them to reach taller from their low bellies. It allowed them to find more space and length. Reminders to anchor into the planet, and to place their hands and feet with care were sprinkled throughout. A sense of connection travels across our homes to each other. We know we practice in real time, and when we practice a strong minute of core or a deep pause we know we are together.

The light in me sees and loves the light in you. Namaste, Lynn