Cultivate light

Young pigs @ Hidden Villa on 12-31-17:

Perhaps there has been a challenge or a bit of darkness and we step on the mat to turn up the light a little bit brighter ... to spark the light in our life a little bit more.

Spark your day with this flow.  Create some space for light.  So that's what we did :)  We focused on releasing the hips, while also inverting, opening the upper back & hamstrings, and an optional arm balance from ardha matsyendrasana .  The invitation of the class was to let each breath fill your body with light, to fill the space around you with light.  Then when you exhale, you can share that luminosity.  

At the end of practice, we took a moment to appreciate the time we took to practice today, to cultivate light in a sometimes dark world ... so we can offer that light to others and make a difference.  To that we bowed our heads.  Namaste.

Just One Thing

The theme this week was :  "Just one thing".  Keeping it simple over the holidays.  I asked the students if there was one word that represented how they could be better supported in this practice, in this day ... what would it be?  


If there was one word that could represent a deeper way of supporting you in your body, your breath, your life right now, what would that word be?  Just one little power word to direct your focus.    

In terms of physical alignment, we focused on drawing the low ribs in, in every pose. I asked the students to notice how this simple action helps them to:  

* connect deeper to a strong core  

* lengthen the side body  

* open their heart   ( allowing compassion for yourself, others, your word)

* keep the flow of breath open

* think about drawing their word in, connecting with it.  

We did a broad range of poses, with longer holds of one minute each in six poses.  Happy Holidays!  To a bright, new 2018!


Leave it on the Mat


This week's class theme was: "Leave it on the Mat"  There's a well known teaching that says:  the mind is like water.... it takes the shape of its container.  So we kind of become what we think; we become those things we hold on to.  

The idea is when you feel aggravated, stressed, sad ... get onto the mat & let it out of the container.   That way you can be a little more free and a little more clear for whatever you do want to take the shape of.    When we set intention, I offered these words:  Maybe there is something specific you want to leave on the mat.  Just name it.  Don't judge yourself or the situation or any other people involved.  Just name it; name the thing.  The first step is that acknowledgement.  Something is going on and this is what it is and now I'm going to work with these poses and my breath and my intention to leave it on the mat.  

We did a flowing practice.  Movement helps us change perspective.  And when you get lost in what you're doing, whatever is stressing you, you're not thinking about it in that moment :)  Take refuge in your yoga.  

In closing class:   Om Gum Ganapatei Namaha, may all obstacles on our path be removed.  

In loving memory of my Mom, Mary Jean Lawrence, 2/2/37 - 12/14/17.


This week's theme was:  Play.  We focused on tapping into the mindset & energy of play.  Thinking of how children learn about their breath and their bodies and their surroundings through uninhibited play.  

Kids know that play begs us to get messy and to fail and to be okay with it.   It's like a good belly laugh.  When we really laugh, it's cleansing and freeing.  Play is like that.  If we can connect to play, we give our overwhelmed minds deep rest.  

Play also lets us tap into a "state of flow".  It's as simple as giving ourselves permission to experience what so many of us seek .... joy for the sake of joy.  We opened with a connection to our breath and then set an intention.  We set out to practice several variations of vasisthasana.  The apex pose being kapingalasana.  Students built toward this more advanced variation after several surya namaskars, quad stretches, twists and balancing poses.  I suggested they double back to a previous side plank if that was a better fit.  Students allowed in that bit of playfulness and softness as they got strong, and fun was had by all.  



Happy Hips


Class this week focused on happy hips.  Finding both strength and release.  We did a warming, heat building flow without crowding out the breath.  Students were encouraged to breath compassion into those areas where there is struggle or crankiness :)  

I invited students to keep some softness with them.  So they could take this ease with them as the practice built intensity.   We did childs pose as a group in the middle of the practice as a reminder to re-connect to that ease.  With the overall idea that the hips can learn to release even in the process of strengthening and invigorating the body.  

Class was a mix of standing poses, balancing poses,  a bit of silliness in a downward dog variation and crow into .... "tree frog" for those feeling especially playful.  A beautiful hip opener in horse stance, backbends on our belly and a few closing seating postures to further release any last bits of crankiness in the hips.  Thanks for joining me ~